Book Doctoring
So your manuscript is under the weather. No worries.
The doctor is in.
As your book doctor, I will help your ailing manuscript get back to work. This type of editing is more extensive than developmental or content editing. For more on that, keep reading.
Book doctoring is part editing, part ghostwriting. As your book doctor, I will complete all of the tasks included in developmental editing, but also rewrite passages (in your voice, of course) when necessary.
My book doctoring fees begin at .20 per word. This is paid in three installments-
1st installment upon the signing of the contract.
2nd installment when the finished manuscript is returned to the author.
3rd installment after the author reviews the manuscript and any additional writing/editing is complete.
Additional time spent in phone or video conferencing is billed separately.Any other costs, such as printing and travel, are also billed separately.